Monday, November 24, 2014

Assignment 5: ACE E-Archive

631 Adult/Community Education E-Archive

Assignment 1: Jen Warrner (organizer & PowerPoint); Assignment 2: Sarah Smurr  (organizer & PowerPoint) commented on group 4 and 5; Assignment 3: Carrie Clymer; Assignment 4: Nina Monstwillo; Ideas of Adult/Community Education: All  

Assignment 1: History of Adult/Community Education
Introduction:  Lifelong learning opportunities have been available to adults for centuries.  Learning about the history of adult and community education helps to show how this field has changed and evolved over time.  Throughout history, adult education opportunities have positively impacted individuals, communities, and the world.             
Significant Points:
  • Adult education has been prevalent throughout history.  
    • This is significant because this demonstrates that adult education is an established field. Historically, these learning opportunities might not have been labeled as adult education.  This long history of learning opportunities shows that adult education is important.          
  • Historical events have influenced adult education.
    • This is significant because this shows that adult education has changed and evolved over time.  From the Women’s Movement to the Civil Rights Movement, historical events have impacted the types of adult education that are offered and who has access to adult education.
  • Governments and multiple legislative acts have supported adult education.
    • This is significant because having government support provides funding and awareness for adult education. Without this support, fewer adult education opportunities would be offered, and fewer adults would benefit from lifelong learning opportunities.

Assignment 2:  Leading Adult/Community Educators
Introduction: Throughout history, professionals from various backgrounds, industries, and ethic groups have impacted adult education. The diversity of these professionals has helped to shape the field of adult education.
Significant Points:
  • The individuals who shaped adult/community ed. come from many backgrounds.
    • It is significant because anyone really can make a difference.  The main difference is they took action, and action is what creates change.
  • The individuals who make a difference in this field often do not do so at the front.
    • This is significant because that is unique to this field.  Individual leaders find ways to empower others.  Their aim is not power.  They is others how to find and use their own power.
  • The people who make a difference have passion that usually comes from personal experience. 
    • This is significant because the most powerful motivator for individual action seems to be caring a lot about a cause.  People are almost compelled to act, and they in turn inspire others to act.

Assignment 3: Unique Adult/Community Education Programs
Introduction:  A group made up of like-minded individuals becomes a community with a common goal.  Those communities structure and deliver education to adults who would like to increase their diversity and knowledge through vast course offering from leadership development to focusing on a specific subject.
Significant Points:
  • Adult Education Programs have grown to combine pervious run organizations so the organizations are able reach a wider audience to provide diversity to the community and society.
    • This is important because it allows individuals to experience the same type of education and learning that other individuals are receiving from other parts of the county.
  • Adult Education Programs have gone more away from having only one focus for their organization to now the programs have more offerings such as different classes, teaching of life skills, and various other activities to improve the community.
    • This is significant because it gives adult individuals an opportunity to capture skills that they could use to have more opportunities to better themselves. 
  • These programs are often created to teach skills and leadership to individuals that can learn without guidance. 
    • This is significant because with the fast pace society of today, adult are still able to increase their knowledge and better themselves.

Assignment 4: Important Adult Education Associations
Introduction:  While learning about important adult education organizations, it is easy to recognize the impact these organizations have upon the growth and development of future adult and community education.  
Significant Points:
  • Membership has grown significantly throughout the years:
    • This is important because this allows these organizations to broaden their outreach and bring increased awareness to adult and community education programs.
  • Becoming a part of these organizations connect individuals working towards a shared vision:
    • This is significant because through connecting and networking, individuals can open up dialogue about what really matters to them and to their communities.
  • These organizations often reflect and build upon the growing and changing needs of adult education.
    • This is significant because as communities grow and change, so do the needs of adult education.  By reflecting on these changes and opening up the dialogue to change - the future growth of the program will develop cohesively and without falling apart. 

Introduction of Adult/Community Education
Nina’s Perspective:  Adult and Community Education is a program where individuals come together to learn and discuss the growing and changing needs of learning and teaching for the adult and the community. 

Sarah’s Perspective:  Adult and community education is about individuals making a tangible difference for themselves and their families, for their communities, and even the world.  Sometimes change can seem overwhelming.  But the benefits of a more educated population, a more active community, and more caring individuals happen when each person makes an effort to create change.  The goal is for there to be ripple effects that make life better.

Carrie’s Perspective:  Adult and Community Education is a program that allows leaders and individuals to come together to compile ideas and to learn from each other to take back what they have learned to teach the community or organization

Jen’s Perspective:  Adult education is about lifelong and continuous learning.  This learning can be for personal or professional reasons and can be formal or informal. Regardless of the purpose or format, all forms of adult education are about gaining new knowledge or skills.  By gaining new knowledge and skills, adult learners not only improve themselves but have the ability to also positively impact their communities and the world.


  1. I love your Archive. It is clearly presented and easy to follow. That makes it something that a person will want to come back to on a regular bases!
    Great job!!!!

    1. Well that would be amazing! Back at yah! I think you should be a regular blogger! You're very talented!

  2. Jennifer Warrner from Group 2 commented on Group 1 and Group 3 for Assignment 5.

  3. Hello, Nina, Jen, Carrie, and Sarah.

    Thank you for posting a truly collaborative piece of work. I would encourage any applicant to our program to read through your archive. I enjoyed the flow from topic to topic and the use of the video to include specifics about your research. I’m curious as to whether or not you all met as a group face-to-face. Or, did you communicate via webinar, teleconference and email?

    Again, thanks for your work.
    Joe M.

    1. We just used email, but some of us have class together too so that helped. I'm like you, Joe. I want to know the details! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I really appreciated the personal reflection that each of you shared about adult and community education: coming together, making a tangible difference, learning from each other and lifelong and continuous learning.

    These ideas are clearly seen in your archive and are an incredible summary of what you learned and what is important about Adult and Community Education. As I have gotten to know each of you in the online interactions and some of you in person, I think I could say that each of you reflect what you shared you have learned from your own study of adult educators:

    "...because the most powerful motivator for individual action seems to be caring a lot about a cause. People are almost compelled to act, and they in turn inspire others to act."

    Thanks for reflecting through your work this important characteristic!


    1. Vince, you are amazing in your sincerity and integrity. It has made a difference in my life to know you. :)

  6. This is a unique way of posting your information. I appreciate a different approach as it allows me to see how I can become better in the future. It was easy to follow and showed great perspective from each member of the group.
    - Becky

    1. Thanks Becky! We all did contribute a lot to the visual impact. It was fun and not as difficult as you might think! :)

  7. I love the way you presented your E-archive! It was very clear and easy to follow, and I think you did a great job highlighting everyone's individual perspective. Excellent work!

  8. I really appreciated the way your e-Archive was setup. Very nice organization and it has a good flow about it. I felt it had a nice "Wow" factor to it, as it has a sense of I wish we had thought of doing that for our archive. I definitely get the impression of collaboration. Very nicely done.

    1. Thanks Sean! It's a visual world now, eh? :) You guys are great too though! Our class has been excellent! I've been very intellectually stimulated. :)

  9. Jen, Sarah, Carrie Cand Nina,

    I really like your summary! I like that you generalized the main ideas from each assignment and told us why they are important. I also like that each of you shared your views about adult and community education!

    I like your PowerPoint which has rich information in it. It will be the best if the voice works! In the future, you can also try Jing to introduce your PPT with your voice.


  10. Please indicate which blogs you commented if you did not do so.

